Hey! I am a second-year Computer Science student at the Universtiy of California, Irvine. In this project, I implemented hosting our code onto a website, as well as coding the python code for the game. I was super excited to work on this project and Python outside of my classes, as well learn about putting code on a website and using API's! I am unsure what field of computer science I want to work in after college, but I am enjoying trying different roles (such as backend devlopment or mobile development) :D


    Hi! I am a second year Software Engineering major at UCI hoping to also minor in Informatics. I love learning about human computer interaction and applying the concepts to better the user experience in the projects I create. In my free time, I love to play PC video games and board games with my friends. In this project, I wrote a path in the storyline as well as worked on Twilio API implenentation to give the story a more realistic, immersive experience!.


    Hello! I am a second-year Computer Science student at San Diego State Univesity who is also minoring in Learning, Design, and Technology :) Other than programming, I worked on the front-end of this project, creating all the visuals you see on this site, as well coding one of the story paths and menu. I also love graphic design and have had a serious hobby of drawing cute cartoons/anime since middle school. In the future, I hope to go into Video Game Design to combine both my love for programming and graphic design ^-^